Crystal Jade Golden Palace

We’ve always liked this restaurant for its consistently good yum cha and Teochew favorites. The interior is dark and elegant with floor lighting, booths for groups of four, and private rooms for larger parties. This is a place where you can dress up for a night out but it’s not so pretentious that one feels […]

G.I. Jane

Give up potatoes and desserts to try out the latest diet to enter the market, the G.I. Diet.

G.I. Diet

Generally, foods that have high sugar levels or are highly refined have a higher G.I. or glycemic index. That means the body absorbs them quickly, giving a quick peak in insulin and energy, which is soon followed by a drop. So once you’ve consumed a packet of sweets or a piece of white bread, you’ll […]

Singapore Biennale 2006: Local Artists Not to be Missed

BECOMING. Erika Tan creates an installation which analyzes how relationships between self, nation, state and the body. It reveals how actions such as oath-taking and role-playing assist in the evolution of oneself. Through Nov 12. City Hall, 3 St. Andrew’s Rd., 6837-9270. Open Mon-Wed, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm; Thu 1-6pm; Fri 10am-9pm. Free.BLOCK 73C. Revealing that the […]

Fact and Fiction

Being the inquisitive bunch that we are, we were doing a little reading up on the IMF. As most of you probably already know, NGOs lobbying inside the Suntec Convention Centre are required to abide by our Miscellaneous Offences Act, which essentially safeguards public behavior. What you might not be aware of, however, are some […]

Week of September 8, 2006

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing,” said motivational author Dale Carnegie. Those should be your words to live by for the rest of 2006. It’s time for you to become almost ruthless in your intention to enjoy yourself as you carry out your life’s work. […]

The Grill at Hillcrest

The former Coq and Bull has undergone a rebranding exercise and emerged as The Grill at Hillcrest. In essence though, little has changed—the atmosphere remains casual but not too laid back with a homey, European feel, and the menu is heavy on meat with daily blackboard specials. But the quality of the food is much […]