6 Singapore Stories You Might Have Missed This Weekend

1. The first wave of Redmi phones sold out in 8 minutes.

2. The Rolling Stones also sold out; but that’s OK. They’re live streaming it outside at Marina Bay

3. Alcohol tax is set to go up by 25%, the first such increase since 2004. It was the hardest hit of the so-called “sin taxes” in this year’s budget. But, you know, we’ve been enjoying rock bottom prices on booze for years now, it’s hard to imagine anyone complaining…

4. Going down not up? Singapore’s press freedom ranking.

5. There’s talk of a new transboundary haze law, to punish people who send nasty things our way.

6. On a similar subject, Robert Mugabe was here for his 90th birthday! Guess it’s true what they say: “Singapore is known as a tropical refuge for the world’s wealthy.”