“There certainly are some zero-sum games in the world…”: Interview with Dinesh Raju of ReferralCandy

How does ReferralCandy work?
Suppose you run an online store. ReferralCandy allows you to automate your own customer referral program. After customers make a purchase, they’re given a referral coupon to share with friends. When their friends make purchases, the customer gets referral rewards.

How did the idea come about?
It started during lunch with a friend who owned a shop. How could he get new customers to his store? We knew his existing customers loved him—surely there had to be some way to build on that. The conversation got around to social networking sites. Could there be a way to reach out to the friends of his customers? There wasn’t anything on the market that was easy to install and run, so we decided to build it ourselves.

Is Singapore good for start-ups?
Yes, especially if you’re a tech start-up. There is an incredible amount of untapped talent here, and the environment is very pro-business.

Is it a dog-eat-dog world in business?
There certainly are some zero-sum games in the world, but technology is not one of them. If you come up with a powerful idea, the Internet gives you the ability to create value and make a huge impact on a global scale.