Interview: TouristPads

Who came up with the big idea?
When Joshua was on holiday in Vienna last year, he wished he had had an easy way to understand how to navigate the local transport system. He was going to catch an opera and was so worried he’d be late because he was having trouble getting to the venue. After much discussion, an idea that combined all of our interests, technology and traveling was born.
Tell us about your App-Visors.
App-Visors is a carefully and lovingly curated list of apps that we believe will add amazing value to our customers’ time in Singapore. There are thousands of apps catering to the Singapore market and we do the hard work of selecting the most relevant, user-friendly and delightful ones for our customers. As most of the apps are relevant only to Singapore, it’s a waste for customers to purchase them on their own—with our rentals, they don’t have to.
What’s next for TouristPads?
Our priorities for the coming year are to drive product awareness, create additional value for our customers in the form of special deals and tie-ups, international franchising, as well as distribution.
Now that you’re part of the local startup scene, what are your thoughts on it?
In terms of infrastructure, setting up shop in Singapore is relatively easy. There’s not much red tape to deal with and we’re not short on talent.