Supplying some of the finest quality red meats in the world, Australia’s stringent red meat standards have made them an international leading choice for the discerning shopper.
The True Aussie Brand works tirelessly with farmers, exporters, retailers, and f&b establishments across the board to ensure adequate supply and consistent adherence to quality standards, food safety, halal certification, and industry development around the world. Thankfully, they’ve now brought Australia’s fine produce to our shores.
Raised almost exclusively on pasture, Australian grassfed beef is naturally low in fat and cholesterol, making them suitable for diets that aim to reduce blood pressure and inflammatory risks.
Their quality meats boast nutritional values that wonderfully complement global and Australian dietary guidelines. Not only are they clean and low in calories, they’re packed with high levels of protein, zinc, iron, mega-3, and B vitamins, amongst an extensive range of nutrients essential for the healthy development of our bodies.
As our lives slowly resume normalcy with the pandemic’s development, many of us have started readjusting to the daily grind – a huge part of which means getting our fitness regimes back on track and prepping for our nutritional needs on the go.
As one of the best sources of well absorbed iron and zinc, Australian lean beef and lamb are the perfect inclusion to our meals on the go, giving us essential energy, helping with our brain functions, and promoting healthy immune systems.
Check our their site here for healthy and fuss-free recipes that we could all use. Their extensive range of simple yet delicious dishes are sure to impress your guests and colleagues, regardless of where or when!
To find out more about True Aussie and Australia’s quality beef and lamb, visit their website here.