18 Things We Love About Singapore

, 18 Things We Love About Singapore

“The local arts scene has really taken off over the last two years with the whole region looking into Singapore.”
Aidan Bamrah, founder, Sideshow
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“The people, landscape, architecture, museums and art scene are all so colorful and vibrant!”
Alan Koh, Marketing Manager, Affordable Art Fair
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Lians are very particular to Singapore. Other countries can have Lians but they’re not real. Ours are as real as they get.”
Troy Chin, comic artist
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Singapore is developed enough to give me choices, young enough to let me create my own way, home enough to make me want to make a difference. ”
Tracy Phillips, Director, Present Purpose
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“It’s great that we have some control here—otherwise we’d be barbaric and going crazy.”
Jasmine Tuan, owner, Blackmarket
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“We are definitely getting our sexy back with so many things to do here.”
Charlotte Nors, Executive Director, Singapore Repertory Theatre
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“There is something about our dialects that is warm and familiar, even if I don’t speak any of it.”
Anthony Chen, filmmaker
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“I’ve managed to set up a few businesses over the last few years and the city is very supportive of new ventures.”
Ian Tan, Program Director, Ritual
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Singapore is a small country but we are very productive people.”
Alvin Tan, artist, :Phunk Studio
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“We have a diverse range of people and food from all around the world. We also love the culture, atmosphere, architecture and history of Chinatown.”
Julian and Christian Tan, owners, Lucha Loco
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Our arts scene is struggling but I like that it’s very passionate with more and more artists coming together.”
Weish, singer-songwriter
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Being a very young city, things are always progressing. The city is very energetic and vibrant, with stuff happening all the time.”
Cynthia Chua, owner, Spa Esprit Group
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Singapore has come to an age where it has matured enough to articulate how it feels, and music is a great way to express oneself here.”
Danny Loong, Chief Creative Director, Timbre
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“Money is part and parcel of our daily life.”
Kenny Leck, owner, BooksActually
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“My greatest inspiration is our people and their quirks and eccentricities.”
Samantha Lo, aka SKLO, street artist
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“I like the fact that even though chicken rice didn’t come from Singapore, we made it our own, and made it better.”
Pat Law, founder, Goodstuph
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore
“I love the trees, I love the flowers, I love the bougainvilleas as you drive into Singapore from the airport and I love the rain trees that you see everywhere.”
Timothy Chia, Head of Marketing & Events, Zouk
, 18 Things We Love About Singapore

“The National Parks Board has done a most brilliant job with our beautifully manicured parks, catchment areas and connecting ridges.”  
Michael Roche, Managing Director, Lushington Promotions

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