Host of Supermodelme, Charmaine Harn

What’s your beauty regime like?
It’s rather simple. Cleansing is my priority, so I only use an organic honey face wash/cleanser, double biphase eye makeup remover and then moisturize, moisturize, moisturize with organic, paraben-free products only, for example Sukin or Evolu.
A foolproof style tip?
Ooooh, trick question. Fashion is never foolproof but if you want to know a quick fix for feeling or looking fabulous, it’s got to be a well-fitted dress (any cut that flatters your body shape), paint your nails an outrageous seasonal color and slab on the mascara. Finish strong with an outstanding pair of comfy heels.
Who are your influences in life?
Style influences include Sienna Miller and Sarah Jessica Parker. Life influences include the Dalai Lama, my mum and Malcolm Gladwell.
How do you keep fit? 
I love Vinyasa yoga and hiking. I love long beach and riverside walks too, especially with my shadow, Gizmo, my beloved schnauzer.
What’s your mantra?
Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none.
Tips for wannabe catwalk queens.
Treat that stage like you own it. Claim your stage presence and move with grace.