“Keep on sailing… men of the sea are used to unstable turf”: Interview with Nithyand Rai and Rushdy from Twofold

How do you explain Twofold?
We help users share skills they are proficient in and earn some money. In the process, they meet new people, educate them and learn more about themselves too. The ease with which people can access a plethora of information on the web right now is frankly quite amazing.

Where did the idea come from?
While in university, both of us attended multiple training gigs but realized the majority of what was taught was quite useless. We were on a beach in Bali when we decided to give it a shot. The plan was to create a user-friendly platform that could allow anyone with advanced knowledge or experience to step up and share it with the world.

What are some of the more unexpected career-hobby combinations you’ve dealt with?
We’ve have a regional sales manager who DJs, a teacher who does 1-on-1 pole dancing lessons and banking folks who teach cosplay costume creation.

Any words you live by?
Keep on sailing. Men of the sea are used to unstable turf—they can adjust the winds and seas. Men on land should be the same.