Singapore Sparks Interview: Raj Datwani of

How is your company different from other deal sites?
The soaring costs of acquiring customers have created the need for more deals and many people’s inboxes are getting flooded yet the quality of these deals isn’t great. On UrbanJourney, you won’t see more than one offer a day. We make sure we feature stuff we’ve tried and loved, with our experiences documented on our blog.
Why did you choose Singapore as a launch pad?
I moved here from New York City two years ago because I wanted to explore the tech scene in Asia. Also, the initial business model was a combination of online content, discounts and lots of food, so Singapore was a no-brainer.
How would you describe UrbanJourney if it was a friend?
He always knows the new places to eat at, as well as the hidden gems and cool activities. He keeps up with what’s going on and you never have to worry about not having fun when you’re out with him.
What makes you happy?
Happiness is having the freedom to create the life I want—to be able to dream up crazy ideas and businesses, and spend my days trying to make them come true.
Any tips on becoming a successful entrepreneur?
You need dedication, thick skin and little interest in sleep or the weekends because you have to constantly be thinking outside the box.
What do you think of the local startup scene?
The energy here is tremendous. There are many people who take it upon themselves to push Singapore to the forefront, especially when it comes to tech. With the buzz comes a lot of competition, all enclosed in a small place. This is great because it drives creativity.