“When the dust settles we go out for teh and prata”: Interview with The Voodoo Sound

What was the inspiration behind the group’s name? 

We started out with the name ‘Voodoo’, and changed it a few years on after realizing it’s quite impossible to achieve an online presence with a name like that. The reason behind ‘Voodoo’—we like the mysticism and intensity it invokes. We also like how drumming is an integral part of the voodoo culture in many places. ‘The Voodoo Sound’ feels like a good fit as we are the type of band who’d like our audiences to ‘get their freak on’ with our music.

Describe The Voodoo Sound’s music in three words.

Raw Intensity: Redefined.

The band consists of ten members—do you guys fight often?! 

We fight A LOT. Just like married couples. But when the dust settles in the studio, it forms solid grooves and uplifting melodies. Then we go out for teh and prata.

Who are some of your musical influences?

Our original sound is built mainly of the genres rock, hip hop and funk. Rage Against the Machine with Linkin Park, AGAM and The Roots thrown into a blender. However, being a 10-strong band, our personal influences are wide and varied. You can find bits of electronics, metal and post-rock in our music. A distinct and delicious flavor!

What has been The Voodoo Sound’s most memorable performance thus far?

It’s a tie between a gig at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre in early 2013, and a performance at BTNK (KL) in December 2013. The spaciousness of the Esplanade is a breath of fresh air—there’s capacity for everyone to go crazy and deliver a big sound. On the other hand, the gig at BTNK is special because it was the first time we traveled together as musicians. All 10 of us! We learned a lot from this experience—there was fantastic energy throughout the trip.

Are you guys excited about the upcoming Culture Clash Festival?

For sure! We will be launching our EP then, and there is no better way to celebrate this than with everyone else at the festival. We are also excited about how our show will be received, as we have some new tricks up our sleeves!

What do you think The Voodoo Sound will be like in two years’ time?

Wiser, fuelled and ready for the world.

Catch The Voodoo Sound at the upcoming, much-anticipated Culture Clash Festival on March 22.