20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Apollo Milk Chocolate Wafer

1. Apollo
Milk chocolate wafers at their best.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Fizzy Cola Candy

2. Fizzy Cola
20 cents would get you a packet of five. Life was much simpler back in the day.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Potato Wheels

3. Potato Wheels
It might not be the most creative name but it’s still yummy regardless.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Gem Biscuits; credit: Andrew Russel

4. Gem Biscuits
Who didn’t love these colorful, cute bites?

5. Wang Wang little mantou
Picture Wang Wang’s face. Yes, that’s how we felt when we bit into these goodies. 

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Bee Bee Snack

6. Bee Bee
It’s crispy and it’s small and there’s just no stopping once you start.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Haw Flakes; credit: Joey

7. Haw Flakes 
There were those who ate ’em all in one bite and then there were those who painstakingly separated them piece by piece.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Ring Pops; credit: Lindsay Attayway

8. Ring Pops 
Didn’t this seem like the coolest sweet at one point?

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Push Pop

9. Push Pop
Until the arrival of the Push Pop. Hey, you get to save it till after class!

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Mamee Monster; credit: Cheon Fong Liew

10. Mamee Monster
The trick? Crush well and shake manically.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Biscuit Piring; credit: ProjectManhattan

11. Biscuit Piring 
Yes, these disc wafer sweets are actually called Biscuit Piring.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Whistle sweets; credit: Ryo Fukasawa

12. Whistle sweets
These sweets single-handedly taught us the art of whistling.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
White Rabbit Candy 

13. White Rabbit candy 
At age seven, eating “paper” was such a mind-blowing event.

14. Magic Pops 
Nothing quite compares to the riot that takes place in your mouth two seconds after popping these.

15. Super Ring
Who cares if they made our fingers go orange? 

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood

16. Hacks
These probably belong exclusively to the ’90s.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Twisties; credit: Abi Skipp

17. Twisties 
This was before potato chips and lays took over our taste buds.

18. Ice lolly tube
Did you break them in half or bite off the top?

19. M&M wannabe
Remember those fake M&Ms that came in a circular foil? Popping them gave us great pleasure.

, 20 snacks that defined your Singapore childhood
Hello Panda; credit: Gwydion M. Williams

20. Hello Panda
We’re still addicted to this one.