Flash Coffee ramps up drive against ocean plastic pollution

Here’s a disturbing new fact: between 19 and 23 million tons of plastic waste is washed into the world’s waterways annually. With winds and currents shifting these dense blankets of plastic around, this form of waste has become one of the greatest killers of marine wildlife.

Looking into this environmental issue, tech-enabled coffee chain Flash Coffee walks its talk through a meaningful partnership with green start-up CleanHub.


, Flash Coffee ramps up drive against ocean plastic pollution


Since its reveal in Nov 2021, the partnership has steadily worked towards neutralising the coffee chain’s plastic impact for every cup sold. Each Flash Coffee purchase sees them collaborate with a global network of plastic collection projects to recover the equivalent amount of plastic before it reaches the oceans. A big part of their vision is to eventually record over 80,000 kilograms of recovered plastic waste.


, Flash Coffee ramps up drive against ocean plastic pollution


With Flash Coffee’s latest app update, customers can now choose to contribute $0.20 at checkout to support the recovery of 10 times more plastic than needed to neutralise the impact of a single cup.

Upon checkout, users will receive a live notification of the total volume of plastic collection they have enabled. 100% of the contributions will be channelled to funding plastic collection projects.


, Flash Coffee ramps up drive against ocean plastic pollution


Through their collaboration with Indonesia’s GOT BAG, developer of the world’s first backpack made of marine plastic, a network of around 2,000 fishermen will gain access to additional income by collecting plastic bycatch or cleaning the mangroves leading to the ocean.


, Flash Coffee ramps up drive against ocean plastic pollution


Meanwhile, Green Worms Waste Management is a social enterprise in India that runs door-to-door collection services to intercept waste right before it enters the environment. Collected materials are processed, sorted, and segregated according to suitable recycling solutions. Your contributions help to expand these enterprise models and create employment opportunities for the underprivileged.


Change may not happen overnight, but every small step makes a world of difference. Track Flash Coffee’s plastic recovery impact here.


For more information on Flash Coffee, visit their website here.