Kopi vs latte: what your caffeine says about you

Singapore is a melting pot, with myriad races, religions, political beliefs and social views co-existing in relative harmony. But a recent red wine drinkers vs white wine drinkers article on the Internet reminded us that, at the end of the day, there are really only two types of Singaporeans: Kopi drinkers and latte drinkers. Here’s what your coffee says about you.

Latte drinkers caffeinate with their Macbook Airs. Kopi drinkers caffeinate at their office IBMs.

Kopi drinkers wait patiently around at the taxi stand. Latte drinkers use Uber.

Kopi drinkers go to Cineleisure. Latte drinkers go to The Projector.

Kopi drinkers unwind with a six-pack of Tiger. Latte drinkers unwind with a barrel-aged Negroni.

Kopi drinkers sleep with the fan on. Latte drinkers have to have AC.

Kopi drinkers tell you if you’re pissing them off. Latte drinkers write a string of passive aggressive tweets.

Kopi drinkers smirk at The Straits Times. Latte drinkers eat up Kinfolk.

Kopi drinkers fly Tigerair. Latte drinkers fly Scoot.

Kopi drinkers swear by Android. Latte drinkers are attached to their iPhone 6.

Kopi drinkers love big dogs. Latte drinkers are cat people.

Kopi drinkers jam in Kampong Glam. Latte drinkers brunch in Tiong Bahru.

Kopi drinkers hit snooze until the last possible minute. Latte drinkers wake up early and do sun salutations.

Latte drinkers love Laneway. Kopi drinkers hit up local gigs.

Kopi drinkers only CC relevant people. Latte drinkers hit Reply All willy-nilly.

Kopi drinkers love spicy food. Latte drinkers love espuma.

Kopi drinkers never call. Latte drinkers agonize over that one text from last week.

Kopi drinkers wear aviator sunglasses. Latte drinkers are all about tortoiseshell.

Kopi drinkers love old-school hip hop. Latte drinkers listen to indie RnB.

Kopi drinkers partied at Zouk when they were teenagers. Latte drinkers were in English Drama Society.

Kopi drinkers highlight. Latte drinkers underline.

Latte drinkers sleep on your side of the bed. Kopi drinkers sleep anywhere.

Kopi drinkers have no fixed bedtime. Latte drinkers have to be in bed by 10, after a spot of journaling.

Latte drinkers go to heaven. Kopi drinkers go everywhere.