Move over bike-sharing, e-scooter sharing is here to take the city

<p>As COE prices rise and the MRT becomes more unreliable everyday, entrepreneurial Singaporeans are stepping up to the challenge, and coming up with new ways to improve how we move. The latest innovation? E-scooter sharing, set to put the recent (but frankly bleak) days of bike-sharing behind us.</p>
<p>Launching in September, PopScoot is an electronic scooter co-sharing platform, which will be available in key downtown areas as well as the heartlands. While they aren&rsquo;t the first to pioneer the idea&mdash;<strong><a href="… target="_blank">Neuron Mobility announced a similar service in June</a> </strong>that&rsquo;s still being tested&mdash;the Singapore-based company is the first to roll out scooters and docking stations for actual use around the island, after a soft launch trialling the platform in August.</p>
<p>Using a Bluetooth app-based unlocking system, PopScoot releases e-scooters from their docks instantaneously when activated through mobile phones. An in-app GPS helps you locate available scooters around Singapore, and plans to turn docking locations into data hotspots are in the works. One thing we aren&rsquo;t so keen on though&mdash;the platform works on both a dockless and docked system, which means you can dock and leave the e-scooter at any of the self-charging stations; but also park it anywhere, since stations are &ldquo;mobile&rdquo;. That basically means there is potential to abandon these e-scooters anywhere, like with certain bike-sharing platforms we&rsquo;re all too familiar with by now.</p>
<p>Nonetheless, it&rsquo;s a handy new addition to the smart market that will likely do well with both office workers and bored heartlanders alike. The September launch will see the largest fleet and number of stations across Singapore.&nbsp;Let&rsquo;s just hope no one throws these down HDB flats.</p>
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<p>For more information, head <strong><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></strong>.&nbsp;</p>