Our Nov 7 issue is out! This time, featuring 50 more things to eat before you die

After yet another jam-packed issue, the Nov 7 issue of I-S Magazine hits stands today and it’s one for the foodies. We’ve got 50 more things to add to your foodie bucket list of dishes, a tour of Osaka’s American Village Amerikamura and more stores to fuel your inner shopaholic.

Don’t miss news about Tiong Bahru’s newest additions, more pop-up stores, and our film review of Banting, one of the first first Malay films commercially produced in Singapore.

Oh, and we’ve also included an interview with Muslim bartender Zachariah Elias, one of the best-performing interviews of all time on our site.

If you just can’t wait to get your hands on our print issue, download our iPad app here or sign up to get the pdf delivered to your inbox here.