Hot: Doing Everything Outdoors
#OmTogether Singapore-Love From Above Credit Beatrice Lee Photography
Not: Sweating Outdoors
Our penchant for partying in the streets and exercising in parks is showing no signs of slowing down, what with the upcoming Aliwal Arts Night Crawl, the second edition of Garden Beats and all the morning yoga sessions all over town. It’s almost like we are immune to the fact that the weather in July is a combo of blistering heat and random thunderstorms.
Hot: Hairline cracks on MRT trains
Not: Massive delays on MRT trains
Train delays Photo by Icemoon
It was announced last week that up to 26 MRT train cars were being sent back to their manufacturer in China due to hairline cracks in the body. LTA assures us that the operational safety will not be affected, and that they’re sending the cars back one at a time to minimize impact to train service. We’ll do anything not to face those crazy breakdowns again!
Hot: UberPool
Not: Tinder
We’ve been playing with the new and slightly cheaper UberPool where you carpool with a bunch of people going (sort of) the same way. Our initial attempts have made us annoyed at the detours to pick up and drop people off (but hey, that’s the nature of carpool), but delighted at the few cuties we’ve made friends with. Give it a try. You might even find you no longer need Tinder. (Just don’t be a creep about it.)