What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Hobbyist Oh Chin Yang was in the midst of watching Godzilla when he started wondering what movie posters would look like if they were set in Singapore. With Photoshop and some imagination, this is what he did. 

1. Stephen King’s The Mist became: 

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Of course Singapore’s big horror movie would be about the haze.

2. Kathryn Bigelow’s bin Laden hunting Zero Dark Thirty became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

The real way to say “zero.”

3. Epic rom-com Pretty Woman became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

What would Vivian’s name be if she were Singaporean?

4. The zany adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

It doesn’t get more dire than that.

5. Vampire soft porn flick Twilight: New Moon became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Get the guys from Ah Boys to Men to star in this.

6. The adorable TV series How I Met Your Mother became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Now all we need is a Singaporean cast.

7. Godzilla became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Yes, we get it, this creature is huge.

8. Definitely, Maybe.

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

True love forever, amirite?

9. Action flick Daredevil became:

 , What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

It’s not the exact translation, but it’ll do.

10. Bond film Casino Royale became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

With a gala/Bond girl seduction at the ArtScience Museum?

11. The Godfather became:

, What Hollywood movies would look like if they were made in Singapore

Our gangsters don’t wear suits, but okay…

What would some of your favorite movies be titled in Singlish? Let us know. You can find Oh’s photoshopped images on Imgur.