You can now go on a free guided eco-tour at this BKE linkway

There are 15 Instagram-worthy places at Singapore’s parks, and now, it looks like we are adding one more to the list. This Eco-Link@BKE is now open for guided tours, according to Channel News Asia. You can sign up for slots on Nov 21, Dec 5, Dec 19 and Jan 9 and after which, tours will be conducted monthly. 

This path covers the Bukit Timah Expressway and also connects the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Central Catchment Nature Reserve. You might see some birds like the emerald dove, snakes and the lesser mousedeer. But if you’re really lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of the Sunda pangolin, which is critically-endangered. 

One thing to note: you should avoid wearing bright clothes and applying insect repellent as the animals may be threatened by these unfamiliar colors and scents.

Registration for these tours opens on Nov 8 on the NParks website