If you’re a geek, a self-fashioned entrepreneur or some combination thereof, here are five places to pass out some business cards. Don’t worry; they aren’t dry networking nights. There are pop-up dinners, storytelling nights and more.
Shaping the Future: Inside the Creative Mind, Mar 11
Part of Great British Week 2015, this conference will feature six British leaders in the fields of architecture, television, music and cuisine and is hosted by locally-based eco-architect Jason Pomeroy. Expect to get insights into the creative process of these leading minds.
[Expletive]up Nights, Mar 11
A format that was born in Mexico and is being brought in to Singapore for the first time, this candidly-named (pardon the redaction) story-sharing session focuses on entrepreneurs and startups sharing tales of how they’ve messed up in the business world.
DataKind Singapore: Project Accelerator Night, Mar 12
If you’re a good samaritan and a math nerd, this might be the meetup for you. DataKind Singapore regularly organizes meetups for data analysts and non-profit/non-government organizations. This session will feature RiverKids, a Singapore non-profit working to prevent child-trafficking in Cambodia, local social agency Care Corner and World Toilet Organization.
Please Don’t Tell! Pop-Up Dinner, Mar 13
Startup Club: Ricky Kapur, Mar 13
Singapore Startup Club brings in Google enterprise biggie Ricky Kapur to give you a pep-talk about IT consumerization and how startups and entrepreneurs can adapt to these changes.