This Week in Wellness: Zumba Step + circuit training + movie therapy

Zumba Step

Virgin Active has collaborated with dance-fitness group Zumba to launch a new workout called Zumba® Step. The workout, which debuted worldwide on February 8, combines traditional fitness, dance and step aerobic moves, all set to sexy, infectious tunes. It’s a fun and effective way to tone those glutes and hamstrings—plus, you get to burn up to 1,000 calories in a single session! 

RIOT at R-evolution 

If you’re looking for a more brutal sweat-fest, sign up for a proprietary RIOT class at R-evolution Gym—designed by ex -Navy Seal Julian Tan, it’s a super-intense, 30-minute workout that packs a series of cardio, calisthenics and weight-training exercises into a single session. Exercises harness your own body weight, or equipment such as gym rings, kettle bells, medicine balls and TRX for a more structured workout. Worried that you won’t be able to keep up? Fret not—there are three difficulty levels that will suit just about anybody. 

Movie Therapy 

A University of Rochester study, published in the New York Times, has shown that romantic movies can help strengthen real-world relationships by lowering divorce and separation rates. Experts even speculate that movie intervention could soon become a self-help option for troubled couples reluctant to go for therapy. Now, that’s yet another good reason to grab your partner, turn on the telly, and snuggle under the sheets. Or, you can attend these upcoming film screenings with your other half, too.