Alternative Review: The Rum Diary

(USA) Directed by Bruce Robinson. Stars Johnny Deep and Amber Heard.
The Rum Diary, based on another literary punch-out by gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, was made three years ago, shelved in some musty editing room where unreleasable movies go, and looks it. The dust still shows.”—Rex Reed, New York Observer
“Felt like a movie suffering from a hangover of its own. This may be an attempt to bring an early Thompson work to the screen, but instead of feeling fresh, it has the dispiriting taste of residue.”—Robert Denerstein, Movie Habit
The Rum Diary is a talky, pretentious send-up of the island-getaway adventure—Graham Greene by way of Donald Trump.”—Glenn Lovell,
“In the time it takes to watch The Rum Diary, you could walk halfway across the Isle of Wight.” —Charlie Lyne, Ultra Culture