I-S X | Watch Moonrise Kingdom at a private screening with I-S Magazine

On July 31, I-S Magazine readers are invited to watch Moonrise Kingdom ahead of its official Singapore release at one of Shaw’s coveted screening rooms (there’s in-room dining if you’re rushing from work).

Readers will join members of the I-S Magazine team in this free, private movie screening brought to you as part of our on-going series of exclusive events, I-S Xperiences (I-S X).

Seats are limited so if you’re interested, tell us why you think you deserve to go at our official I-S X page. Selected readers will be notified by email. See full details below. 

The Event:

Date: July 31 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.30pm
Venue: Shaw Theatres Premiere, Hall 2

The Movie: 

Moonrise Kingdom
In Theatres August 2
Directed by two-time Academy Award Nominated writer-director Wes Anderson
Starring: Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton
Rating: TBA
Runtime: TBA

Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, MOONRISE KINGDOM tells the story of two twelve-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a violent storm is brewing off-shore — and the peaceful island community is turned upside down in more ways than anyone can handle. Bruce Willis plays the local sheriff. Edward Norton is a Khaki Scout troop leader. Bill Murray and Frances McDormand portray the young girl’s parents. The cast also includes Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward as the boy and girl. View movie trailer