“We knew that we had to spread the maker’s gospel”: Interview with Lee Xiaohui and Freda Chua of TINKR

How did the two of you get together to come up with this?
The idea to start TINKR was back in November 2012. As two individuals with a great passion and interest in art, design and technology, and avid readers of WIRED magazine, we were intrigued by the rise of the maker culture in the western part of the world. We knew that we had to spread the maker’s gospel and kickstart it in Singapore. This gradually led to the launch of TINKR in July 2013.

How are the 3D printing regulations in Singapore?
The government has been pretty liberal so far. With the government’s continued support in this sector, we believe there will be laws specifically for governing 3D printing in the near future. These laws will largely revolve around Intellectual Property rights as well as copyright issues.  

If you had the ability to print anything at all, what would it be?
We would love to print a real livable Peranakan shophouse. And have every possible furnishing and architectural detail too.

What beckons for 2014?
2014 will be pretty exciting for 3D printing especially with patent rights expiring. We believe new materials will become more accessible to regular desktop 3D printers and that would also mean that the technology will start to make its way into the homes of regular consumers.