Star Struck

Star K-Team—Mates
Ivy Lim (Events Manager)
Then Chih Wey (Freelance Photographer)

Why enter The Amazing Race?

We love traveling and it’s a chance to travel and win money.

So are you celebrity junkies?
One of us spends a lot of time behind the camera, so we’re not the sort that seek that kind of attention.

What do you think the other teams are likely to nickname you?
K-team, for “kiasu.” We represent typical Singaporeans who hate to lose; we have a bit of kiasu syndrome.

What kind of characters do you want to be portrayed as on The Amazing Race?
The serious competitive kind, as we’re ultra-competitive and super fit.

How will you decide which team member does each particular roadblock?
If it’s got to do with water and bugs such as cockroaches, Chih Wey will handle it. Same with any swimming because Ivy is not a strong swimmer. Other stuff will depend on what we decide on the spot.

How ruthless are you guys prepared to be? Will you backstab or lie to other teams?

We hope we wouldn’t sabotage other teams or lie, but we might use white lies. We would withhold information, but probably not purposefully mislead the other teams, although it might depend on how far we are in the race.

So will there be any blossoming romance between you?

We don’t think so.
THE X-MEN—Siblings
Jeff Klimas (Consultant)
Susan Klimas (PhD student)

Why enter The Amazing Race?
While we’re both living over here in Asia, and we both travel a lot for our work, we never seem to get time to travel together! The Amazing Race Asia would be a great opportunity for us to adventure-travel together.

So, are you celebrity junkies?

Susan: “Not really. Though I do wonder what Brad Pitt’s underwear looks like…”
Jeff: “You so dirty mind ah!”

What do you think the other teams are likely to nickname you?

J-Money and DJ-Spinderella.

What kind of characters do you want to be portrayed as on The Amazing Race?

Something like the X-men—Rogue and Nightcrawler—superheroes!

What matching outfits are you going to wear?

Camouflage, so the other teams can’t see us.

How will you decide which team member does each particular roadblock?
Whichever one of us happens to be more sober at the time.

How ruthless are you guys prepared to be? Will you backstab or lie to other teams?
No lah. Must love thy neighbor what. But if get behind, then poison thy neighbor also can lah!

Which previous Amazing Race teams are you most like?
Dating Models.

Why will you win?
’Cuz it’s in the stars, baby!
THE DOUBLE Bs—Childhood Friends
Clara Chua (Singer)
Prisca Hoo (Group Account Services Manager)

Why enter The Amazing Race?
We’re in it to win the money. Why else? But we also want the experience of learning about ourselves by traveling in close quarters with a TV crew. We’d like to be the first all-girl team to win.

So are you celebrity junkies?
We can live without the invasion of privacy. But we’re not afraid to be ourselves on international television.

What do you think the other teams are likely to nickname you?
We don’t really know what they’ll call us. Maybe B1 and B2, like the bananas, for “Bitches on Wheels.” We’re as competitive as Rob and Amber, but not as evil. We’re in it to win and we’ll put up a good fight.

What kind of characters do you want to be portrayed as on The Amazing Race?
We’re fun-loving girls. People might think we’re a bit aloof at first, but we’re goofy and we’ll talk to anyone. We’re quite whacky in that we sing spontaneously and crack jokes; there won’t be a boring moment. We want to be seen as fun and we won’t be whiny.

How will you decide which team member does each particular roadblock?
We’ve already decided based on our weaknesses and strengths. If it’s jumping from a building or eating, then Prisca will do it. If it’s driving or getting into tight spaces then Clara will do it. And we’ll do training like running, swimming, the usual cardio, as well as training for vertical marathons, abseiling, rock climbing and cycling.

How ruthless are you guys prepared to be? Will you backstab or lie to other teams?
We won’t backstab out of spite as there’s nothing to be gained from being malicious. But we might withhold information.

Which previous Amazing Race teams are you the most like?

We’re a bit of a mix of the Hippies, Eric and Jeremy, Rob and Amber, and Joyce and Uchenna. We would definitely shave our heads to get ahead.

Why will you win?
Based on our previous travel experiences, we’re prepared to put up with a lot. We’ve slept in rat-infested dorms and a hostel in Berlin that was like a military school. We also come from fortunate backgrounds where our parents traveled with us as children, so we know the drill about visas, immigration, and all that. Plus we can read each other’s minds. If we’re looking at the same person we’ll both be thinking the same thing. We always say things at the same time, it’s so funny.
Not too sure if you’re “amazing race material”? Click here for I-S’s very own route for a race around Singapore and see if you’re really ready to take on the rest of Asia.